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Unincorporated Countywide Compliance

OC Stormwater Compliance Program

Managing stormwater compliance for Unincorporated Orange County, Orange County Flood Control District and Orange County Owned and Maintained Facilities.


Stormwater Pollution Prevention

What Is Stormwater Pollution?

Stormwater pollution is urban runoff water that has picked up pollutants as it flows through the storm drain system, a network of gutters, pipes and channels that collect runoff from county streets, neighborhoods, farms, construction sites, and parking lots, and empties directly into local waterways.

Unlike sewage, which goes to treatment plants, urban runoff flows untreated through the storm drain system. Anything thrown, swept, or poured into the street, gutter or a catch basin, the curbside openings that lead into the storm drain system can flow directly into our channels, creeks, bays and ocean. This includes pollutants like trash, pet waste, cigarette butts, motor oil, anti-freeze, runoff from pesticides and fertilizers, paint from brushes and containers rinsed in the gutter and toxic household chemicals.

Stormwater Pollution Affects Residents & Businesses

  • Contaminated urban runoff may contaminate local waters and contribute to beach closures.
  • Beach closures hurt local businesses, tourism and Orange County's image as a desirable place to live and work.
  • Litter, leaves and other debris clog catch basins, causing flooding when it rains.

Preventing Stormwater Pollution

Everyone in Orange County can help prevent stormwater pollution. It is often caused by everyday behavior that you may not realize contributes to the problem. Simple behavior changes are all it takes to prevent stormwater pollution if we all do our part.

Contact Us

  • 24-Hour Pollution Hotline   phone 877-89-SPILL phone 877-897-7455
  • 24-Hour Reporting Website
  • Chemical & Hazardous Materials Spill Emergencies phone Call 911
  • Hazardous Waste Collection phone (714) 834-4000 
  • Used Oil Collection    phone 800-CLEANUP  phone 800-253-2687