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The Santa Ana Region Monitoring Plan fulfills the requirements of Phase I MS4 Permit issued by the Santa Ana RWQCB. Maps of the Santa Ana Region monitoring sites is provided in the link below: 

Monitoring Program Goals

The primary objective of the monitoring, assessment, and research initiatives is to track progress in addressing current problems, identify emerging issues that may pose challenges in the future, and support research and development aimed at enhancing our understanding of key processes. Additionally, these efforts seek to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of monitoring methods. This approach is centered around answering five key assessment questions, as outlined in the 2013 Santa Ana State of the Environment Report.

SAR Monitoring chart
  1. Is there a problem?
  2. If so, what is its magnitude and extent?
  3. What are the sources of the problem?
  4. Are conditions getting better or worse?
  5. Are management actions working as intended?

The following three monitoring & assessment themes, also detailed in the State of the Environment Report, provide a foundation and framework for evolving the program to provide more effective information to support smarter stormwater management.

  • Theme 1: Focus on priority areas and constituents rather than trying to monitor all constituents, potential problems, and locations
  • Theme 2: Increase the integration of data from a wider range of sources in order to leverage the value and impact of the Program’s efforts to address the five assessment questions
  • Theme 3: Continue evolving from a strictly discharge-specific approach to a risk prioritization approach that can highlight problem areas and support more flexible monitoring designs that include data driven adaptive triggers

Water Quality Monitoring Data

Santa Ana Region of Orange County (north and central watersheds) 

Data from water quality and other environmental monitoring efforts in the north and central watersheds of Orange County (Santa Ana Region) is summarized and analyzed on an annual basis in Section 11 of the Orange County Stormwater Program Unified Program Effectiveness Assessment (Unified PEA). The Unified PEA is finalized by November 15th of each year and covers a reporting period of July 1st through June 30th. (Please note that all water quality monitoring data is reported in Section 11 of the document).