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The Newport Bay Watershed Executive Committee (Executive Committee is the successor to the Upper Newport Bay Sediment Control Executive Committee established through a cooperative agreement in the early 1980s. The Cities of Newport Beach, Tustin, and Irvine, the County of Orange, the State Department of Fish and Wildlife (formerly Fish and Game), and The Irvine Company entered into an agreement to develop and implement a comprehensive program to manage sediment in San Diego Creek and Upper Newport Bay. The Executive Committee was formed by amendment of the cooperative agreement in 1999, and now includes in its interests the impairments of Newport Bay caused by nutrients, toxics, and pathogens in addition to sediment, as well as related environmental enhancements.
As part of the amendment of the cooperative agreement, the Executive Committee expanded its membership by adding the Orange County Flood Control District, the City of Lake Forest, the Irvine Ranch Water District, and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. These agencies were added because of their interest in the water quality of Newport Bay and available resources to support the enhancement initiatives.
Members of the Executive Committee are elected, appointed, or executive-level managers, with one member from each of the signatories to the agreement (the County member, however, represents both the County and the Orange County Flood Control District). It typically meets four times a year. Meetings are governed by the Brown Act. Staff support is provided by the OC Public Works/OC Watersheds. The Executive Committee provides strategic direction for environmental enhancement programs in the watershed, advocacy of these programs to the elected/appointed boards of the member organizations, and a forum for discussion of watershed environmental issues.
On September 21, 2022, the Executive Committee approved an Executive Action Plan covering planned activities for the period 2023-28.
The Plan includes the following elements:
- The water resource, water quality, and habitat issues facing the Watershed
- The goals and roles of the Executive Committee
- The associated costs and financial implications of the watershed issues and their impact on each Executive Committee organization and other Watershed stakeholders
Executive Action Plan (PDF)
Meeting Agendas and Documents
If there are any questions regarding the details of a document, or to obtain a hard copy or other alternative formats of the original document, or to have a document read to you, please contact us:
place OC Environmental Resources/OC Watersheds | 2301 N. Glassell St., Orange, CA, 92865
Monday - Friday, query_builder 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. email Contact Form phone (714) 955-0600
Meeting Date | Agenda/Items/Cancellations | Minutes | Audio/Video |
March 19, 2025 | | | |
Meeting Date | Agenda/Items/Cancellations | Minutes | Audio/Video |
September 18, 2024 | | | |
Meeting Date | Agenda/Items/Cancellations | Minutes | Audio/Video |
March 15, 2023 | | | |
September 20, 2023 | | | |
Meeting Date | Agenda/Items/Cancellations | Minutes | Audio/Video |
March 16, 2022 | | | |
September 21, 2022 | | | |
Meeting Date | Agenda/Items/Cancellations | Minutes | Audio/Video |
March 17, 2021 | | | |
September 15, 2021 | - Meeting Agenda and Staff Report Packet 09.15.21
- Presentation 09.15.21
| | |
Note: OC Public Works generally retains two years of records on its websites. Requests for older public records not found here may be submitted online at