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BMP Design Manual

County of Orange/ Orange County Flood Control District BMP Design Manual

The County of Orange/Orange County Flood Control District (County/OCFCD) is subject to two Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits issued by the Santa Ana and San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Boards.  Both permits require the County/OCFCD to implement land development programs to ensure new development and significant redevelopment projects comply with with post-construction BMP regulations.  The County/OCFCD BMP Design Manual was created to fulfill these requirements and provide guidance to developers on drafting Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs).  This combination of documents is unique to the County/OCFCD and comprises its "BMP Design Manual" pursuant to Section X.II (Santa Ana) and Provision F.2.b (San Diego) region MS4 permits.  The County of Orange/Orange County Flood Control District BMP Manual consists of the following elements: 

Santa Ana Region Guidance (North Orange County)

San Diego Region Guidance