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Final Comprehensive Human Waste Source Reduction Strategy Work Plan Now Available!

Comprehensive human waste source reduction strategy

CHWSRS Work Plan Development

On March 4, 2019, OC Environmental Resources, a service area of OC Public Works, and the municipalities of the South Orange County Watershed Management Area (South OC WMA) hosted the CHWSRS Work Plan Development and Public Information Meeting. 
During the public information meeting and ensuing development period, stakeholders and partner agencies (water and wastewater agencies) provided valuable input and insight that was used to further enhance the proposed CHWSRS Work Plan. 
Staff of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Board reviewed a proposed Work Plan submitted in June of 2019, and provided comments (review the comments here) which have been addressed in the revised final version.

CHWSRS Background Information

The primary goal of the CHWSRS Work Plan is to identify and abate sources of human waste to the municipal storm drain system, and implementation will be an important strategy to address the pathogen health risk high priority water quality condition identified in the Water Quality Improvement Plan for South Orange County.  Pathogens from human waste found in recreational waters can increase the risk of gastrointestinal illness through exposure during activities such as swimming and surfing.